The Business of Being Dad with Rob Rohde

#039: No More Excuses: It's Time to Get Out of Our Own Way

Rob Rohde Episode 39

Discover how excuses, rooted in fear and doubt, can be dismantled to pave the way for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life.

In this episode, Rob delves into the pervasive issue of excuses, particularly those that emerge when progress is within reach. Through personal anecdotes and insights, he uncovers the detrimental impact of these excuses on personal growth and offers practical steps to break free from their grip.

Key Highlights:

  • Identifying Excuses: Rob elucidates the nature of excuses, especially the ones that arise when individuals are on the brink of success. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing these excuses and understanding their underlying causes.
  • Challenging Self-Doubt: Using relatable examples, Rob illustrates how self-doubt can sabotage aspirations, leading to stagnation. He encourages listeners to confront their fears and doubts head-on, refusing to let them dictate their destiny.
  • Strategies for Overcoming Excuses: Rob presents five actionable steps to combat excuses and regain control over one's life. From acknowledging excuses to seeking support and taking a leap of faith, these strategies empower individuals to push past limitations and pursue their goals.

What to Expect:
Listeners can expect to gain insights into the psychological barriers that impede progress and receive practical guidance on how to navigate through them. By understanding the dynamics of excuses and implementing the suggested strategies, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards realizing their full potential.

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Rob Rohde:

You are listening to The Business of Being Dad. Get ready as we delve into the world of fatherhood, leadership and legacy. I'm Rob Rohde, your humble host and fellow single father, and I'm so excited you're here to join us. This podcast was intentionally designed for you, men who believe they're destined for greatness, those who never settle for excuses but instead take meaningful action, and individuals who reject the notion of being ordinary. We're here for the ones who understand that being a phenomenal leader goes hand in hand with being an exceptional father. Why? Because we believe in you. We believe you hold the power to shape your identity as a man, a father and a leader. We believe you are the architect of your future and you get to determine the impact and legacy you'll leave behind. So get ready to explore the depths of personal growth, strengthen family bonds and create a legacy that resonates through time. Together, we'll rise, inspire and change. Let's get started. Well, hey there, welcome back to another episode of The Business of Being Dad podcast.

Rob Rohde:

Today, we are talking about those obstacles that get in our way, the things that slow us down or can even stop us dead in our tracks when we're chasing after our goals. I'm referring to the challenges and struggles that always seem to show up right after we start making progress and begin to believe in our chance to actually achieve the goals we're working on. And, if you're anything like me, the bigger the goal, the harder these obstacles seem to hit us. So what am I talking about? I'm talking about excuses, but not just any excuses. I'm talking about those excuses that start echoing in our heads when we're on the verge of making real progress, when we're right on the cusp of achieving something great. Today, we're going to learn how to kick those excuses to the curb so we can get back on track and start living the life we were meant to lead. In short, we're going to learn how to get out of our head so we can get out of our own way. Are you ready? Let's go.

Rob Rohde:

Let me start by telling you a story about a father named David. David had this burning desire to make a difference in the lives of other dads like himself. Having experienced the challenges and joys of fatherhood firsthand, he knew there was a need for support, guidance and camaraderie among other dads. David meticulously planned every detail. He envisioned a vibrant online community for men.

Rob Rohde:

As he approached the launch date for his new venture, doubts began to creep in. What, if nobody likes what I have to say? And these voices of self-doubt grew louder and louder, paralyzing David, are you nodding along with me? Dads, can you relate to those moments of doubt and fear creeping in just when you're about to make progress? Well, david certainly could.

Rob Rohde:

He found himself stuck in fear, hesitating to share his work, afraid of being judged and rejected. Soon, weeks turned into months and still David remained indecisive. He allowed these voices in his head to become the excuses standing between him and his dreams. But deep down, david knew he had a choice he could let his excuses hold him back or he could confront them head on. Have you ever felt that same tug of war within yourself, that battle between either moving forward or staying stuck in fear? Well, david made a conscious decision to push past his fears. Starting small, he began to share his work with his closest friends and gradually began to work up the courage to put himself out there to the rest of the world. With each small victory, david's confidence grew and he began to see that his excuses were just illusions. He realized that the only thing holding him back was himself, the man in the mirror, and he refused to let his fear dictate his destiny any longer.

Rob Rohde:

In the end, david's story serves as a powerful reminder that excuses, although they might be real the fear, the doubts, the limiting beliefs or even the circumstances in our life may be real, they may even be justified. But we should never allow our excuses to be real, to excuse us from realizing our dreams. And by confronting our fears and taking intentional action, we have the ability to break free from all of this self-doubt and begin to step into our true potential. All right, man, before we continue, I wanna let you in on a little secret, if you haven't already cracked the code and figured it out. David is not a fictional character in a story. He's me, or at least he was me. He was that version of me that existed one or two years ago, when I allowed my feelings of fear and doubt as real as they were to me, but I allowed them to keep me from stepping into my dream, my dream of launching The Business, of Being Dad. And so, yes, I've been where David was, and maybe you have too.

Rob Rohde:

Perhaps you're struggling to balance work and family life, maybe feeling like you're constantly being pulled in different directions. You might tell yourself well, I'm too busy with work to spend quality time with my kids, or I'll never be able to advance my career if I prioritize my family. But in reality, these are just excuses that are holding you back from being the type of father you really wanna be and from achieving the success in both your personal and professional life. Or maybe you recognize this and you make a decision to prioritize quality time with your kids. You get excited about going out on outings with them and having you know, setting up these special days, and you start taking some steps to plan out these events. You start taking intentional action, but then these voices again start echoing in your head You'll never be able to keep up with work if you take time off. Or perhaps it's the even the other side of the coin, thinking that your kids will resent you if you're not there for them.

Rob Rohde:

But there is this constant battle between your desire to be a present and engaged father and the fear of falling short in your career. But here's the real question what do you do in those moments? Do you shut down, do you give up your goal, or do you give those voices power, those excuses power? Or maybe you're sitting in a place of loneliness and isolation, wanting true connection, but being held back by the fear of putting yourself out there. You might convince yourself I'm not good enough to join that dad's group, or nobody would understand what I'm going through. But by allowing these excuses to determine your actions, you're depriving yourself of the opportunity to connect with other dads who are facing similar challenges, other dads who could potentially support you. You are missing the opportunity to build a support network that can help you on your journey of fatherhood. Or, let's say, you recognize this and you decide to push past your comfort zone and seek out these opportunities to connect with other dads. So you join a local dad's group or reach out to other fathers online, because you know that building a support network is huge for your wellbeing.

Rob Rohde:

But once again, those voices of doubts start creeping in. You're too much of an introvert to make new friends, they might say. Or you've never been good at making friends, or maybe even what if you put yourself out there and get rejected? So again, my question is what do you do when those excuses start entering your mind? Do you listen to them? Do you believe them? Do you give them power? We all have that choice to make. And here's the thing when, faced with those excuses, we have the power to challenge them Instead of letting them hold you back. You can acknowledge them for what they are Just simply excuses.

Rob Rohde:

Take a moment to reflect on why you're feeling the way you do and what steps you can take to overcome those feelings of doubt and fear. Maybe it's reaching out to a friend for support or simply reminding yourself that you deserve to be happy, but there are countless ways to combat those excuses and reclaim control over your life. Now, as always, men, I like to go before you, and what I mean by that is everything that I share with you on this podcast. Everything that I teach are practices that either I personally or my clients have implemented and found success in. So, with that in mind, here are five steps that you can take to help you move through your excuses and get out of your own way.

Rob Rohde:

Number one is to acknowledge the excuses. Recognize when excuses are surfacing in your mind, but don't stop there. It is important to also give equal air time to the positive voices, the ones that fueled your dreams to begin with, and specifically the why behind your dreams. There is a reason these dreams came to exist in the first place, and one of the most effective ways to move through the negative voices and to take away their power. The power of these excuses is to remind yourself why you want to pursue your dream.

Rob Rohde:

Number two reflect on your feelings. Take a moment to understand why you're feeling doubt or fear. What is it the root of it, and is it worth keeping you from achieving success? Is your fear greater than your passion? Is your excuse greater than your why? All we actually need, all we truly need, in order to keep moving forward in the face of adversity, when we those struggles start to present themselves, is for our desire to be slightly larger than our fear. Number three seek support. Reach out to friends, family or mentors for encouragement and guidance, because there might be times when your excuses and fears and anxiety keep you from believing in yourself, and that is normal. They might paralyze you and shake your confidence to the point where you struggle to push through and you feel ready to give up. During those times when that occurs, you might need to borrow that strength from someone else. There might be times when you need family, friends or mentor to provide you with that strength until you regain your own.

Rob Rohde:

Number four break your goals into smaller tasks. Divide your objectives into manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelm can easily lead to procrastination and it is one of the most common ways we tend to get in our own way. But when we break down our big goals into smaller, consistent, incremental steps, then it becomes so much easier to start to be consistent and to keep going even when obstacles get in your way. And remember small, consistent, incremental steps over time lead to extraordinary results. And number five take a leap of faith. Sometimes you simply need to embrace the discomfort and take action despite your doubts or fears. If we wait for our doubts and fears to go away before we ever take that step forward, we will remain where we are.

Rob Rohde:

We all have these voices echoing through our mind, but we can choose not to give them power, not to let them turn into excuses. Stand up to those voices in your head, challenge them and take that leap of faith. So again to recap Number one acknowledge the excuses, but give equal airtime to the positive voices that fueled your dreams to begin with. Number two reflect on your feelings. Are your fears and excuses more important to you than your dreams? Number three seek support. Don't be afraid to borrow confidence when yours has taken a hit. Number four break your goals into smaller tasks. Break through the overwhelm. And number five take a leap of faith. Take action in spite of our fear and uncertainty.

Rob Rohde:

Alright, dad, so there you have it, but before we wrap up, I want to leave you with a quote from Jim Rohn, who famously said excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure. Those words are powerful, basically implying that excuses lead to failure. So what are we going to do about that? Your challenge for this week is to take a moment to reflect on your life and ask yourself where am I allowing excuses to hold me back, whether it's in your career, your relationships, your personal goals, whatever it is? Identify those areas where fear and self-doubt might be creeping in, and then make a commitment to take action, even if it scares you.

Rob Rohde:

Remember you are the only person who gets to determine the kind of man, father and leader you're going to be, so don't let anything, not even yourself, stand in your way. Thank you for joining us for The Business of Being Dad podcast. If you found value in today's episode, I encourage you to share it with a friend who could benefit from our discussions on fatherhood, leadership and legacy. Together, let's build a community of like-minded men who embrace ownership, commit to growth and make an impact. And now, before we go, remember greatness is within your reach, so stay strong, stay focused and create your legacy. I'm Rob Rohde and you've been listening to The Business of Being Dad, where fatherhood meets success. See you in the next episode.

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