The Business of Being Dad with Rob Rohde

#038: Unlocking Possibilities: The Power of Having More

Rob Rohde Episode 38

Explore the liberating concept of "wanting more" as Rob Rohde encourages dads to embrace abundance, leading to stronger relationships, increased wealth, and a happier, healthier life.

In this episode, Rob Rohde delves into the transformative power of wanting more, shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. Through personal stories and relatable examples, he illustrates how having more goes beyond material possessions and creates opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and positive impact.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding the shift from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.
  • Exploring the power of more through a relatable example of a single father, Mark.
  • Recognizing that "having more" is both personal and relative, extending beyond monetary value.
  • Delving into what having more makes possible in terms of multiplying possibilities, enhancing personal and family life, achieving a balanced life, and considering the legacy perspective.
  • A call to action for dads to reflect on what having more means for them and to share their thoughts.

What to Expect:
Listeners can expect insights into embracing abundance, understanding the diverse impacts of having more, and practical advice on how to apply these concepts to enhance personal and family life. The episode encourages reflection and active participation in the community.

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Rob Rohde:

You are listening to The Business of Being Dad. Get ready as we delve into the world of fatherhood, leadership and legacy. I'm Rob Rohde, your humble host and fellow single father, and I'm so excited you're here to join us. This podcast was intentionally designed for you, men who believe they're destined for greatness, those who never settle for excuses but instead take meaningful action, and individuals who reject the notion of being ordinary. We're here for the ones who understand that being a phenomenal leader goes hand in hand with being an exceptional father. Why? Because we believe in you. We believe you hold the power to shape your identity as a man, a father and a leader. We believe you are the architect of your future and you get to determine the impact and legacy you'll leave behind. So get ready to explore the depths of personal growth, strengthen family bonds and create a legacy that resonates through time. Together, we'll rise, inspire and change. Let's get started. Well, hey there men, welcome back to another episode of The Business of Being Dad. I'm Rob Rohde, and today we are diving into a game-changing concept the power of more. In the last episode, we unpacked how it was okay to want more, and today we're going to take the next step by exploring this simple question what does having more make possible? So if you're ready to see what unfolds when you invite more into your life, stick around. This episode is all about expanding possibilities and encouraging you to think outside the box, to think beyond the ordinary. So are you ready? Let's go.

Rob Rohde:

As a father, for the longest time, I used to think that wanting more was either seen as being greedy or maybe even selfish. I used to feel that wanting more meant that I was unsatisfied with what I currently had. But I found that that's just simply not true. I've come to realize that wanting more and having more isn't about accumulating items or about accumulating stuff. It's about changing your perspective and opening up your mind. It's about shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, and when you take the time to open your mind to the idea of having more, you can begin to discover what having more can actually make possible for you and for your family. It's about breaking through limitations and imagining a life beyond the ordinary. Let's face it we all have a desire to be exceptional and we all have a desire to provide an extraordinary life for ourselves and for those we care about. And really that's what this is all about the power of more isn't about excess. It's about opportunity. It's about creating opportunities for growth, fulfillment and making a positive impact in those around us.

Rob Rohde:

To drive home this idea further, let me tell you a story about Mark. Mark is a dedicated father, a single father, who has big dreams for his family. Mark works hard to provide for his kids, but with bills and child support and limited parenting time, he's really struggling to balance it all. But still he knows in his heart that he was meant for something more. He has a vision that goes beyond the daily grind. He dreams of taking his family on a yearly vacation. He dreams of creating memories that will last a lifetime. Having more financially in Mark's world, it means not just getting by, but having the financial freedom to offer his children experiences that he wished he had when he was a child. I want you to imagine this Mark sitting at a table with his family, a big smile on his face, just sharing stories of their family adventures. Around the dinner table, his kids, their eyes wide open with excitement, are reliving the places they've explored together, the mountains they've climbed, the oceans they've touched and the cultures they've gotten the chance to experience.

Rob Rohde:

For Mark, having more isn't about material possessions. It's about enriching his family's life with moments that have an opportunity to really shape their character and to create a deep bond with them. That's what Mark's chasing after. Does that sound selfish or greedy to you? And here's the important part, men. Having more is both personal and relative. It's not about a specific dollar amount, and in fact, it might not have anything at all to do with money, but it's about the richness of life in all its forms. Maybe for you, it means having more time to spend with your kids, or perhaps more peace in your daily routine, or maybe you're chasing after more freedom to pursue the things that truly matter to you. The thing is, it doesn't necessarily require some big vacation to create the impact we desire for our families. I don't want to imply that Having more, though, is about recognizing and appreciating the value that is present in every moment, big or small, and about understanding how each of these moments directly contributes to the growth and happiness of your family. So, as you think through this, I want you to remember that the power of more goes far beyond material wealth. It's about creating a life where every day brings you more joy or fulfillment and more opportunities to make lasting memories with those you care about.

Rob Rohde:

Now let's shift gears slightly and talk more specifically about what having more makes possible. Think about areas in your life where you felt restricted or limited. Now I'd like you to imagine what would be possible if those limitations disappeared. Having more in your life might open doors to these new opportunities more time with your kids, more knowledge to pursue your passions and more financial resources for creating meaningful experiences. It's about breaking free from the chains that hold you back and realizing dreams that once seemed out of reach for you. And, of course, having more has a direct impact on your relationships and personal life as well. Think about the joy of providing for your family, about creating these enriching opportunities, creating these lifetime memories and fostering deeper connections with them.

Rob Rohde:

Having more can also help you achieve balance in your life. So, again, it's not about just chasing more for the sake of having it. It's about balancing your ambition with happiness, and abundance allows you to pursue your goals while appreciating what you have in the present. In short, having more can make it possible to have a more balanced life. And, of course, this concept of having more can also have a lasting impact on your family's legacy. As you begin to explore these possibilities and open up your mind to it. It can create this foundation for a future that's filled with abundance and a positive impact, and each opportunity pursued contributes to the legacy you're building as a father, as well as you helping the role model which you want your kid's life to look like in the future.

Rob Rohde:

So now it's time for each of us to look inward. What does having more mean to you? What would it make possible in your life? How would it improve the lives of your family? And your job for this week is to take some time to really think about this concept. I want you to eliminate the notion that having more is either greedy or selfish and instead replace those negative thoughts with healthy ones. Healthy thoughts of what having more would actually make possible in your life, about what having more would make possible for your family, and about how having more would impact your life and your legacy. But don't just think about these questions. Take the time to actually write the answers to these questions down, put them somewhere where they are visible and read them back to yourself each day. Listen up, men. Do not skip this part. This repetitive process, this intentional and consistent action of reading these words out loud is the key to helping shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, to shift you from just getting by to thriving.

Rob Rohde:

As we conclude today's episode, I want you to remember that the power of more is about expanding your vision and exploring the limitless possibilities that abundance can bring into your life. And a life of abundance is out there for all of us men. And if you're multitasking, I want you to pause and listen closely. You deserve to have more and you were meant to have more. You were built to reap the benefits of having an abundant life and it's time for you to embrace this mindset of abundance and take meaningful actions toward having more in your life.

Rob Rohde:

And until next time, dads, embrace the power of having more and begin to thrive in your journey of fatherhood. Thank you for joining us for The Business of Being Dad podcast. If you found value in today's episode, I encourage you to share it with a friend who could benefit from our discussions on fatherhood, leadership and legacy. Together, let's build a community of like-minded men who embrace ownership, commit to growth and make an impact. And now, before we go, remember greatness is within your reach. So stay strong, stay focused and create your legacy. I'm Rob Rohde and you've been listening to The Business of Being Dad, where fatherhood meets success. See you in the next episode.

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